The Classics Club: Spin #19

It’s time for The Classic Club’s 19th Spin! To join in simply list any 20 books that remain on your Classics Club list before Tuesday, 27th November. On that day, the club will announce the winning number and then all you have to do is read the corresponding book by Thursday, 31st January 2019. Which is an extra special, longer amount of time, so we can try to tackle one of those imposing tomes on our classics shelf. Here is my list:

  1. Emma by Jane Austen [re-read]
  2. Agnes Grey by Anne Brontë
  3. The Professor by Charlotte Brontë
  4. Villette by Charlotte Brontë
  5. The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins
  6. Hard Times by Charles Dickens
  7. Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens
  8. Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens [re-read]
  9. The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas
  10. The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
  11. Howards End by E M Forster
  12. Wives and Daughters by Elizabeth Gaskell
  13. Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy [Re-Read]
  14. Kim by Rudyard Kipling
  15. The Black Corsair by Emilio Salgari
  16. Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott [Re-Read]
  17. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
  18. The Time Machine by H G Wells
  19. War of the Worlds by H G Wells
  20. The Age of Innocence by Edith Wharton

With the longer time in mind, I have tried to pick the larger books off my list or those that were left over from my first list. Come back Tuesday to discover my result. Wish me luck!

Are you taking part too? What book do you think would be good for me to get?

30 thoughts on “The Classics Club: Spin #19

    1. Hello Deb, thank you for stopping by and commenting. It is always lovely to hear from a new face 🙂 I know it is very long but I would be pleased to get The Count of Monte Cristo.

  1. I have been useless with my Classics – I should start again, perhaps in the New Year – I hope Ivanhoe comes up, mainly because I haven’t read it and would be interested in your take.
    Lynn 😀

  2. I’ve got Emma as a re-read on my list too! And Anne Bronte. I did toy around with Ivanhoe as a re-read, but then changed my mind. I love that The Count of Monte Cristo is on your list. 😀

    1. Hello Fanda, thank you for stopping by and commenting. It is always lovely to hear from a new face 🙂 I am pleased to hear you loved The Black Tulip as I am really looking forward to reading it.

  3. Oh, I have to hope you get Little Dorrit since I’ll be reading it over Christmas too! Otherwise I hope you get one of the HG Wells books since I loved my recent re-reads of those. Good luck! 😀

  4. Wow, you’ve got great titles on this list! Good thing that some authors have more than one entry, as it improves their chances of being chosen on the drawing. 🙂

    1. Carmen, so pleased you think there are some great titles on the list! And it wasn’t really by design to have authors have more than one entry – It just worked out that way as certain authors tend to write books on the longer side! 😀

  5. That’s a good strategy of yours to pick the thicker volumes. I was toying with the idea of joining in again with the spin but I already have enough reading scheduled for the next few months and I do like to leave space for reading something on a whim

    1. Well Karen with it being a extra-special, longer Spin time it is the perfect opportunity to tackle the longer books on our lists. I’m sorry to hear you aren’t taking part this time, but I hope you enjoy your scheduled reading. 🙂

      1. You alerted me to the fact the deadline is quite some way off so on that basis I just did my list. If I end up with a book I don’t like, I know who to complain to don’t I????? 🙂

  6. It’s good to highlight the chunksters this time around – I love seeing what people plan to read….& we share Little Dorrit if #7 spins up 🙂

  7. That’s a great list. Of the books I’ve read, I particularly enjoyed The Moonstone, Wives and Daughters, the two Dumas books and Ivanhoe. I will be posting my own list tomorrow and I think Nicholas Nickleby will be on mine too. 🙂

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