WWW Wednesday | 18th December 2019

Good morning, fellow bookworms. It is ‘Hump Day’ Wednesday which means we are halfway through the working week (if you’re at work) and it is time for WWW Wednesday! A weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, which simply involves answering the following Three Ws:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: The science-fiction, thriller Cold Fire by best-selling author, Dean Koontz. His 1991 novel that follows teacher, Jim Ironheart, an ordinary man who has saved twelve lives in three months, which peeks the interest of reporter, Holly Thorne. I have not read much yet, having literally just started it, but I am so pleased to finally got round to this.

I am also currently reading Christian non-fiction, No God But One: Allah or Jesus? by Nabeel Qureshi, in which, Muslim to Christian convert, Qureshi continues to explore the origins, similarities, differences and authenticity of these two faiths; a follow up book to his brilliant Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. I haven’t made any progress with it though, since my last WWW post.

Recently Finished: The science-fiction classic, The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells: the groundbreaking, Victorian tale of a Martian invasion of Southern England, which has spawned over a dozen TV, radio and film adaptations. And it is the BBC’s brand-spanking, new adapted series, that inspired me to finally give this a go. A slow, steady, enjoyable read, with some really ground-breaking ideas, that has really whetted my appetite to watch the new series.

In the last week, I also managed to get my reviews posted for the nostalgic, Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes mystery, The Moor by Laurie R. King and the fascinating history, The Golden Antilles by Tim Severin posted.

Reading Next: Probably the historical, murder-mystery, The Poison Bed by E. C. Fremantle.

So that’s what I’ve been reading recently – Come back next week to see what I read next. Bye for now!

Now over to you: Have you read any of these? What have you been reading? Also please leave a link to your WWW posts in the comments, so I can come check them out.

8 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday | 18th December 2019

  1. I haven’t read any of these. Sci-fi is generally not really my genre. I hope you enjoy all of your reads and have a great week!

  2. Looking forward to all your reviews! You can seldom go wrong with a Dean Koontz. 🙂

    I’m reading a Historical Fiction about a 16th century chef in Rome.

    1. Kelly, I really hope I won’t keep you waiting too long for those reviews!! And ooo an historical-fiction about a 16th century chef in Rome sounds intriguing – Earlier this year, I read Lives of Notorious Cooks by Brendan Connell, which was a collection of short little proses about famous chef through history. 🙂

  3. I love Dean Koontz though I’m not sure if I read Cild Fire or not. But it’s Dean Koontz so I’m sure it will be great ❤️

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