Sunday Reflection | 6th September 2020

Hello everyone and a blessed Sunday to you all. I hope this post finds you all well. Another wet and cooler week has passed, and now it is time to reflect on what we’ve been reading, watching and doing over that time:

This week, I finished the Italian classic, The Black Corsair by Emilio Salgari, a swashbuckling adventure with battles, storms, sword fights, and daring pursuits and escapes! Sadly, I haven’t made much progress reading The Firebird by Susanna Kearsley, because I have been too tired of an evening, but really looking forward to getting back to it soon for those promises of a glimpse back to the time of Russia’s first Empress Catherine.

In my Hoy Bible reading, over a couple of nights, I read Lamentations in the Old Testament, a short collection of poetic laments of the destruction of Jerusalem: beautiful but sad. Now I am reading 1 Corinthians in the New Testament, one of the apostle Paul’s letters to the church he founded in Corinth, Greece.

While on the screen, I worked my way back through season 12 of one of my favourites TV shows: the British archaeological series Time Team. I have also continued watching the new-ish Jim Henderson series, The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance, on Netflix. This is a little slow going, but only because each episode feels like a short film, so I am only watching one at a time.

Again there was no new film this Friday… Come on Sky what is wrong with your premieres recently?! However we enjoyed re-watching the supernatural romance, Ghost (1990), with our Indian takeaway (Tandoori fish Masala) and a beer. As well as working my way back through the dystopian, young-adult Divergent series: Divergent (2014), Insurgent (2015) and Allegiant (2016).

This week, saw me returning to work, first for two training days and then for two days with our new class in, although the whole school wasn’t as we are having a phased return. As pictured, it looks like my cat has been missing me while I am at work, bless her, she hardly ever gets on my lap. 😻

Trying to get back into the work routine, left me too tired to do a lot else this week, except a little reading, journaling and comfort watching. I also managed to do a little yoga each morning and went for a jog yesterday morning, before doing some more jobs in my bedroom and making a batch of Courgette, Mint & Lemon Soup to freeze in portions.

While here on the blog, it has regrettably been quiet and I have not been able to pop over to your blogs. Sorry! However I did manage to post my monthly round-up: What I Read In August 2020. and take part in the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday | 2nd September 2020. Please check these out if you haven’t already. Thank you! 😊

Later today, I will be heading over to my grandad’s for Sunday lunch. For now though, that’s all folks! I look forward to catching up with you all next Sunday. Where ever you are in the world, I hope you and your loved ones are well: staying healthy and happy. God bless and bye for now! 🙏

Now over to you: I’d love to hear what you have been reading? Have you watched anything good? Have you managed any nice days out?

I have linked this post into the weekly meme, The Sunday Post hosted by Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer.

21 thoughts on “Sunday Reflection | 6th September 2020

    1. Sorry you have been waiting so long for my thoughts on Kearsley’s The Firebird, but I do seem to getting on more of a roll with it now I am getting used to be being back at work, with all the new rules and regulations. 😅

  1. It’s been cooler here too, especially at night and in the early AM. Kind of refreshing although it takes some getting used to after such a hot summer. The Black Corsair sounds like a lot of fun with a description like that!

    I thought the Divergent series was pretty good. Wasn’t crazy about the third one but the first two I thought were decent.

    Have a wonderful new week!

  2. Hope you settle into your routine so you’re not so tired. It’s hard working and trying to blog sometimes. Love it when my cats want to cuddle! Happy reading, Jessica! 🙂

  3. Getting back into a work routine is always so tiresome. Don’t be to hard on yourself and just take time to rest. 😉
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  4. I have just returned to work last week after being on furlough since April and I am also struggling to get back into my normal routine, so I can sympathise. The Black Corsair sounds fun anyway!

  5. Getting back to the groove after such a long gap has been hard on all of us and I hope you and your cat get adjusted soon. Have fun at your Sunday brunch!

  6. How sweet to see your kitty gracing you with some lap time. 🙂 Due to the hurricane that left power outages across much of Louisiana, I had house guests for most of last week (and part of the week before), so I’m just not getting back to reading more.

    Hope your Sunday lunch outing was nice!

    1. It always lovely to get some kitty time, especially as its a rare treat for me! 😅 Lunch at grandad’s was lovely and I hope things are a bit more normal for you at home now.

  7. The beginning of the school year is always shattering – and this year must be so stressful with all the business with COVID-19 measures to deal with, too… I hope things settle down soon, Jessica, and the coming week is an easier one:))

  8. Yeah, getting back into a rhythm of leaving the house and spending time with students take a while. Now, after two weeks, I feel like I’m less tired, so hopefully you’ll get there soon, too.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading 🙂

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