πŸ™ Sunday Reflection | 11th April 2021 πŸ‘‘πŸ–€

Hello everyone and a blessed Sunday to you all. I hope this post finds you all well. A bright but bitterly cold week has passed (we even had some snow!) and now it is time to reflect on what we’ve been doing, reading and watching over that time.

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Life πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

You can hardly have missed the big news for the UK this past week – I am sending my love and prayers to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and the royal family on the sad passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in the early hours of Friday morning. It is the end of an era, as the Prince faithfully served his wife, the queen, and our nation for 69 years. πŸ‘‘πŸ–€

In other news, this has been the first week of the schools’ two week break for Easter and, with the easing on restrictions on the 29th March to allow up to 6 people to meet outside, I have enjoyed catching up with friends and family in gardens and parks for hot drinks; including meeting my new 3-month-old baby cousin for the very first time! πŸ‘Ά

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Books πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

I have also taken full advantage of my time off to read more! First, I finished off the young-adult science-fiction Destined by Jordan Pinckney and Will Lenzen Jr. , the first book in The Blood Games Trilogy. Swiftly, followed by me finishing off my long-term read ofΒ the fascinating The Story of the British Isles in 100 Places by Neil Oliver.

As well as those I have continued my daily HolyΒ Bible readings, from the books of Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1 Samuel and 1 Kings,Β forΒ The Bible Course (from The Bible Society) I am taking part in; and now I have not long started reading the historical-mystery Justice Hall by Laurie R. King, the sixth Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes Mysteries. The game is afoot! πŸ”Ž

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Β TV & Films Β πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

In the last week, I have started watching series 2 of the WWII drama Das Boot – a sequel to the 1981 film and based on Lothar-GΓΌnther Buchheim’s novels:Β Das Boot and Die Festung – that follows the claustrophobic life aboard U-612 and the resistance growing around the U-Boat station in La Rochelle, France. A tense and stark drama, that I am taking my time with, not one I can handle in binges. πŸ›³

For the most part I have been enjoying comfort watches of favourite films in my time off, including Labyrinth (1986), The Secret Garden (1993) and Angels & Demons (2009). The only new film I have watched recently is the watery horror Beneath (2013) that sees six teens battling a giant, man-eating fish! Now and again I enjoy a light, cheesy b-movie, but this had such unlikeable protagonists I was left feeling pretty meh about it. 🐟

πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ Blog πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

Finally, here on the blog I posted my wrap-up post for March, and reviews for the romantic suspense, Madam, Will You Talk? by Mary Stewart and the time-travelling adventure The Memory Tree by John A. Heldt (Carson Chronicles #2). While I still don’t like it, I am getting better at using the new WP Block Editor, as long as I choose the ‘Classic’ block option.

For now, that’s all folks! Today, I am looking forward to a quiet day of reading, blogging, my church’s online service and cooking up a big batch of Bolognese. I look forward to catching up with you all next Sunday. Where ever you are in the world, I hope you and your loved ones are well: staying healthy and happy. God bless and bye for now! πŸ‘‹

(I have linked this post into the weekly meme, The Sunday Post)

Now in the comments let me know: How you are? What you have been reading and watching? Or please leave a link to your own Sunday post. I love to chat with you all!

32 thoughts on “πŸ™ Sunday Reflection | 11th April 2021 πŸ‘‘πŸ–€

  1. I was sorry to hear the news about Prince Philip. I saw the Queen once, many many many years ago. She visited in the early 80’s, I believe, and my entire school was packed onto school busses to go to the state capital to see her wave from a balcony. Such a brief glimpse and yet I remember that day quite well all these years later. πŸ™‚

    I am glad you have been able to meet up with family and friends again. And yay for meeting your new cousin!

    I really want to start on the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes Mysteries. I have the first book and one of the later books. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it.

    Labyrinth is a favorite here too. πŸ™‚

    I hope you are well and are enjoying your week!

    1. What a lovely memory of the queen you have, Wendy! I’m afraid I’ve never seen or met a royal, however my stepdad has, as he went to Buckingham Palace to receive his Duke of Edinburgh award from Prince Philip himself.

      Great to hear you are also a Labyrinth fan; I hope you’re able to start the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes mysteries soon, and thank you. 😊

  2. Yes, we definitely heard about Prince Philips passing. So sad. Especially for the Queen. I can’t even imagine how it must feel like to lose the person you’ve been with all your life.
    And I also heard about the easing on the lockdown restrictions. How wonderful! I’m so jealous right now! LOL!
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  3. Phillip had a good run! Sad to hear about his death.

    I wouldn’t want to be on a submarine. I’d be very claustrophobic! It’s been a long time since I’ve read a Mary Stewart, maybe when I was a teenager? I should give her a try again. Happy reading, Jessica and have a lovely week! πŸ™‚

    1. Prince Philip certainly did have a good, long and fulfilled life, which is of great comfort, just sad to see an end of an era. πŸ˜₯ And thank you, Rachel – I certainly wouldn’t want to be on a submarine either! 😊

  4. My condolences! Glad to hear though that you were able to get out and visit family and friends a bit this week. That’s nice!

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend! πŸ™‚

    1. Ooo I remember seeing a trailer for Aeronauts and thinking it looked good, so very pleased to hear your enjoyed it, Margaret – Hopefully it will be on Sky or Netflix soon so I can watch it too. πŸ™‚

  5. My condolences on Prince Philip’s death. He lived a long and active life.

    How nice that you got to meet your new little cousin! I love the swans in your photo today. That’s something I never see here.

    1. Thank you, Kelly – It was lovely to see my new little cousin; it is great comfort to think of what a long and active life Prince Philip had; and my photo ended up being more appropriate than I realised when I took it, as here in the UK swans are owned and protected by the Queen. πŸ¦’πŸ‘‘β€

  6. Sad news about Prince Philip…he almost had his 100th birthday!

    The Queen must be very sad, but she handles it well.

    Enjoy your books and your week, and thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. I know, Laurel-Rain that almost makes it a little sadder, that Prince Philip got so close to reaching the amazing milestone of 100-years-old, and the Queen always handles thing very well and dignified, which makes me want to send her even more love! ❀

  7. It’s been a quietly busy week for me — working, mostly. I’m glad you had a good week, and were able to get out and enjoy seeing family. Like you, I was very sad to hear of Prince Phillip’s passing, and my heart goes out to the Queen and the royal family.

    1. Thank you, Lark and it is nice to hear your week was a quietly busy one, although don’t work too hard!😊 I am also sure that all the love, thoughts and prayers are a great comfort to the Queen and the rest of the royal family at this time. πŸ–€

  8. I watched some of the coverage about Prince Philip on TV feeling terribly sad for the Queen, who so far has had a horrible year. And now has lost her husband of 73 years… Two such remarkable people – we won’t see their like again.

    I watched a lovely programme about the scenic railways of Scotland last night, which I found enjoyable. Two beavers had managed to block a drainage culvert under the railway track by damming it – and when they investigated it, they discovered tons of material in there. I hope you have a good week, Jessica:))

    1. We certainly won’t see the likes of the Queen and Prince Philip again! Very sad and as you said especially as it has already been a horrible, tough year for the royal family. πŸ˜₯ However I am loving the sound of this show you’ve been watching about scenic Scottish railways and beavers – Two of my favourite things! 😊

  9. It’s been a semi-quiet week for me. Looking forward to the next though! πŸ˜€

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