πŸ™ Sunday Reflection | 24th April 2022

Hello friends and a blessed Sunday to you all! πŸ™ I hope this post finds you all well. A bright and mild week has passed by for me; and now it is time to share what I’ve been doing, reading, and watching over that time.

This has been the second half of the school’s fortnight break for Easter, where I have made a conscious effort to chill! I have read, blogged (caught up with a fair few reviews), napped, cooked up a big batch of Bolognese, and had a day trip out to the small, neighbouring city; where I enjoyed a mooch around the shops, visited the library and enjoyed traditional fish and chips, with the above stunning view. πŸ›

I also want to thank all those who have sent their prayers and good wishes for my grandfather. A quick update is that he has been scheduled in for a procedure to drain the fluid in his lung and to do a biopsy on 3rd May. ❀

With my time off work for the Easter break, I threw all my effort into my faith reading, which has including: the Celtic Daily Prayer: Book One by the Northumbria Community (2015), my Holy Bible, and Pray For Us by Meg Hunter-Kilmer (2021). The latter of which I finished this week, that I thought was a very interesting read exploring the lesser-known lives of seventy-five extraordinary people whose human struggles and limitations reveal the power of God’s grace. All in all, a very good read. ⭐⭐

I have also continued working my way through the weighty Victorian classic tome, Little Dorrit by Charles Dickens (1855), which was my result for The Classics Club’s 29th Spin event. This is a quirky and delightful tale of little Amy Dorrit and her family in the Marshalsea debtors’ prison, which feels almost like a re-read, as I have such fond memories of the BBC’s 2008 TV series. However I have found it a bit disheartening to read on my Kindle – seeing no progress – so I picked a physical copy while I was the library. πŸ›

At the beginning of the week, on the ITV Hub, I spotted ‘The Pilgrim of Hate’ episode of the British mystery television series, Cadfael (1994-98), starring Derek Jacobi and based on The Cadfael Chronicles novels written by Ellis Peters. So I indulged in a bit of a trip down memory lane, as this series was very popular when I was a kid, and this was not one I remembered. 🏰

Not such a comforting watch was Netflix’s newest true-crime limited series, Conversations With A Killer: The John Wayne Gacy Tapes (2022), which I binged watched one evening. I don’t think this really brought any new information forward, but it was chilling to hear about his crimes in his own words and I thought it was good how they added context to the time period his crimes were committed in. God rest those poor boys. πŸ“Ό

Between those, I enjoyed one more episode of series one of the classic, American sci-fi television drama, Star Trek, too, which was ‘Space Seed’ where the crew of the SS Enterprise discover an ancient sleeper ship and first encounter the war criminal Khan Noonien Singh. Great stuff! πŸ‘½

I also squeezed in watching some of my favourite YouTubers’ latest videos, including: Darling Desi,Β  Nerdrotic, Super Enthused, Triggernometry, and Steven Crowder. 🌍

Finally, last but not least, here are the posts and reviews I was able to share with you, over the past week:

Thursday – The Game by Laurie R. King (2004) ⭐⭐

Friday – The Lost Diary of Venice by Margaux DeRoux (2020) ⭐⭐

Saturday – Books I Got My Paws On in February, March & April 2022

Please do check these out, if you haven’t already! 😊

The Sunday Post(I have linked this post into the weekly meme, Sunday Post)

For now, that’s all folks! Where ever you are in the world, I hope you and your loved ones are well: staying healthy and happy. God bless and bye for now! πŸ‘‹

What have you been doing, reading and watching? Please let me know in the comments below, or leave a link to your own Sunday post. I love to chat with you all!

25 thoughts on “πŸ™ Sunday Reflection | 24th April 2022

    1. So pleased to hear you enjoyed the details and characters of Our Mutual Friend so much, Amy! I haven’t read it, but would definitely like too! πŸ˜ƒ

  1. Sending all my love and prayers to your grandfather! I hope all is well.

    I’m going to start the Gacey Tapes show soon! I was going to this morning but realized my husband might want to watch it so I’m going to wait haha

    1. Thank you so much for your love and prayers for my grandfather, Molly ❀ I also hope you and your husband will find the Gacy Tapes an interesting watch.

  2. I hope all is OK with your granddad.

    I’m still working my way through Doctor Who… I’m somewhere near the middle of Matt Smith’s run, I think.

  3. It sounds like you had a very nice relaxing week. I’m glad you did. Those kinds of weeks are nice once in a while. I wouldn’t want them every week, but they’re good once in a while. πŸ™‚

  4. Sounds like a perfect week. I haven’t seen Star Trek in forever. I definitely want to see it again.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  5. Chill is good! I love th sound of the fish and chips. Haven’t had that in forever and it sounds sooo good!

    Yay for Star trek! Great episode πŸ™‚

  6. I enjoyed Derek Jacobi as Cadfael (and as Claudius!) and wished more of the stories had been adapted to film. It’s been so long since I read the mysteries (or saw the films) they would be like new for me.

    Thanks for the update on your grandfather. I’ve passed it along to my praying group. πŸ™πŸΌ

    1. Thank you for your’s and your pray group’s continued prays for my grandfather, Kelly ❀ I haven’t read any of the Cadfael books, but I would like to. πŸ™‚

  7. Good luck with Little Dorrit. I’ve been reluctant to read the classics since grad school, lol. Except for Henry James, who I discoverd and loved later on. I read rom coms these days plus the usual thrillers.

  8. Hello and happy Sunday to you too!
    I am sorry to hear about your grandfather. Glad that appropriate investigations have been scheduled.
    I remember Little Dorrit by Dickens. I once read a children version borrowed from my city’s library but I’ve never read the actual version.
    I am presently reading “Twenty years later”, the sequel of “The Three Musketeers” by Alexandre Dumas Senior. “The Three Musketeers” has become one of my all-time favorites and the sequel is great so far. It will keep me company for a while because it has almost a thousand pages.
    I have been listening to several history podcasts of my favorite history Youtubers. I think I will write a post about them next week.

    Yay! I am a huge Star Trek fan and I remember Space Seed. It was a really good episode. I hope you can enjoy other episodes of the original series as well as the next generation (in my opinion, TNG is even better than TOS, even if I love TOS characters).

    Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. Hi Guylene, I hope you are still enjoying your read of Twenty Year Later. I am also a big fan of The Three Musketeers and I also really enjoyed The Man in the Iron Mask. I am hoping to read The Black Tulip soon, too. βš”

      Great to hear you are a Star Trek fan as well! I definitely plan to watch more of the original series and then move onto The Next Generation. I do remember a bit more of TNG as I was around when it was first aired and my dad watched it, but I wasn’t really the age to get into watching properly until Voyager was released. ☺

      1. I have already read the first 500 pages =D
        Fun fact: I decided to read the Four Musketeers after watching one of Star Trek TOS episodes where Mr Spock said “bring D’Artagnan to Sickbay” (referred to Sulu).

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