WWW Wednesday | 23rd October 2019

Good morning, fellow bookworms. It is ‘Hump Day’ Wednesday which means we are halfway through the working week (if you’re at work) and it is time for WWW Wednesday! A weekly meme hosted by Taking on a World of Words, which simply involves answering the following Three Ws:

What are you currently reading?

What did you recently finish reading?

What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading: The fourth Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes mystery, The Moor by Laurie R. King, which with recent weather here in the UK has appropriately taken me to wet, foggy Dartmoor for another mysterious conundrum with this married sleuthing team. As they investigate a suspicious death and sightings of the ghostly Lady Howard’s carriage and the infamous, diabolical hound from Holmes’ earlier, probably best-known case of the Baskervilles.

Alongside this I have continued to dip in and out of The Golden Antilles by Tim Severin, which is an interesting history into the dangerous obsession of searching for the fabled city-of-gold, El Dorado, in Central America.

Recently Finished: The dark, atmospheric historical-fiction Her Kind by Niamh Boyce, which shines a light onto the women caught up in the terrifying Kilkenny Witch Trial, in Ireland, and the events that led up to it. An emotive tale which I took my time over, and I was well and truly drawn into. On finishing this, I was so impressed with the writing think I will definitely need to check out Boyce’s earlier novel, The Herbalist.

In the past week, I have also posted my reviews for Viking murder-mystery Council by Snorri Kristjansson and modern, suspense classic The Moonspinners by Mary Stewart.

Reading Next: Probably the mystery-thriller The Virgin of the Wind Rose by Glen Craney, that will hopefully be perfect for this time of year and I will hopefully manage to squeeze it in before the end of the R.eaders I.mbibing P.eril XIV reading challenge.

So that’s what I’ve been reading recently – Come back next week to see what I read next. Bye for now!

Now over to you: Have you read any of these? What have you been reading?

20 thoughts on “WWW Wednesday | 23rd October 2019

    1. Sammie, I have enjoyed all four of the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes mysteries I have read and I look forward to reading more (I have nine more lined up on my TBR shelf). 🙂

  1. I really like the cover of The Moor – I haven’t read it but it looks like tells you a lot about what you’re going to find. Do you need to have read Doyle’s work to appreciate it or is knowing the basics enough do you think?

    I can see the Boyce taking a lot of mental energy!

    I’m currently reading Meike Ziervogel’s The Photographer. Not very far through it yet but I’m enjoying it.

    1. Charlie, I don’t think you would necessarily need to have read Conan Doyle’s original to read King’s The Moor, as she recaps the details you need to know from the previous mystery. And yes, Boyce’s Her Kind did take a little more mental energy, but it was well worth it! I hope you’ve continued to enjoy Ziervogel’s The Photographer. 🙂

  2. oh these books look absolutely fantastic. I haven’t heard of either of these and i’m really curious about both! i’m going to add them to my tbr! i’m looking for something to read atm.

    1. Hello Amanda, thank you for stopping by and commenting 🙂 I am very pleased I have been able to help you find something new to read – I really hope you enjoy! 😀

  3. I’ve never heard of the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes books – but i like the sound of them! Are they like Conan Doyles’ in any way?

    1. Jen, in the Mary Russell & Sherlock Holmes, King very much has her own style and Mary is definitely the main protagonist, but I do think that King keeps faithful to Conan Doyle’s character of Sherlock. 🙂

  4. I last finished The Blunderer by Patricia Highsmith. Currently reading The Game of Kings by Dorothy Dunnett and am having a bit of trouble getting going with it because I don’t know much about Scotland though Helen at She Reads Novels assures me it will get better after a slow start. Next I plan to read The Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead for a reading group. Good luck with your books!

  5. I’m still reading the “tome” I was reading last week. 😉

    I look forward to your review of Her Kind.

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